Experienced, Trustworthy Middle Aged Couple: Remote Worker & ER Nurse, Ready to Care for Your Home & Pets!

Username WanderPaws_Carers  

37 - 45 years
Aug 4,2024
Travel Agent
1 - 6 Days, 7 - 21 Days, 3 - 6 Weeks, 6 - 8 Weeks

Hi there! We are Emily and Alex, a married couple who loves animals and discovering new places. Emily is a remote worker in the travel industry (previously middle school teacher of 14 years), and Alex is an ER nurse (taking some much needed time off for travel). We love animals and are attentive caretakers. We have had pets in the past, but after the passing of our sweet girl Malah, we decided it was time to travel.

Why We Want to House Sit

We love to travel and experiencing new places for longer than a weekend getaway. This will provide Emily an opportunity to work remotely and Alex a chance to wander while being fully immersed in a new place. We are homeowners and understand the necessity for peace of mind while one is away AND keeping your furry companions in their environment where they feel safe and secure.

Our Experience & What We Bring

Our experience is within our own circle of family/friends. We own a home with a pool that we've cared for and keep our yard/landscaping. We have employed other housesitters during our travels and value coming home to a clean space (and happy animals). We have owned our home for over 20 years and are soley responsible for all the upkeep. 

We have had pets in our time together and have experience taking care of elderly dogs and cats. We are knowledgeable (and successful) in giving medications and following strict diets and exercise routines for pets. We are a trusted source for our family and friends' furry companions when they are out of town.

You can count on a clean home and nurtured pets upon your return!

Thank you for reading this. We are open to answering any questions that you may have. And we are happy to Facetime or Zoom should you need to.

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  • If needed, Here is a free - easy to use resize site: http://www.picresize.com
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