Love them as if they were our own!

Username livingourdreams  

56 - 64 years
Not Available
retired estate agent
7 - 21 Days, 3 - 6 Weeks, 6 - 8 Weeks, 2 - 3 Months

livingourdreams is currently not available. Find more House Sitters    

  Not Available  

Hello! We are Stephanie & Scott. We are retired, ages 61 & 65, non smoking, low key people. From the USA but now world citizens. We used a pet sitting site when we had dogs ( they lived to 15 & 16) and worked. Now that we are traveling the world, we want to shower your pets with all of that love we have bottled up. We were homeowners for 23 years and take great care in looking after other's property. We are clean, neat and will leave your home in the same condition or better than upon arrival. In Key Largo FL in 2007, I was an estate agent, so I pride myself in strong communication. My broker and I formed a pet rescue which is still going strong today ( Marrvelous Pet Rescues (yes, 2 r's)  ( ( if you want to look at site) I was Vice President for 13 years. Scott and I fostered over 50 pets through our home and loved them as our own. We have vast experience with all pets, shapes, sizes, ages and personalities. We have lots of reviews from other sites included here.  We are booked on a flight from Auckland NZ to Brisbane on  & we have a 3 month visitor visa.  We are open to longer sits. We do prefer a non smoking home. I can be reached on my US phone via What's App, FaceTime or zoom I also have NZ # but can't input it in platform   We hope to hear from you. Stephanie & Scott

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