Mature, trustworthy very clean and task oriented

Username Kwality  

37 - 45 years
Jun 10,2024
writer , Grapic Designer, Digital Creator
Single male
7 - 21 Days, 3 - 6 Weeks, 6 - 8 Weeks, 2 - 3 Months, 3 + Months

My most honest Reason for house sitting is my need to save money for my dream. I have been building an environmental organization called the"Awakened Foundation" for the last 4 years. My background is mostly in education ,computers and construction. I am also a graphic designer and digital content creator. In 2019 I purchased 3 acres of land in Texarkana , Texas to eventually build a fully sustainable housing model and a base for my foundation.  Cost of living can seem very high when the income is only covering basic needs and bills. I do have experience in home ownership and the requirements to maintain one. I am very clean, tidy and definitely the guy that recycles lol. I have a lot of hands on skills and can repair almost anything household related. I am a task oriented person, any household task and yard maintenance needed, will be done as required during sits. I am great with animals , have owned a llama, goats, sheep, dogs, cats , ferret, bearded dragon . My life presently has way less responsibilities as I try to attain my goals.  I have over 3 years of experience, house sitting for traveling home owners who needed a sense of added security or professionals who were overseas that required daily task like receiving mail , pool maintaining, household cleaning and taking care of Vet appointments . I am in my mid 40's Mature, honest, reliable and a very trustworthy person. Should you choose me to house sit for you, I promise to only provide the best service and care for your property with great respect. References can be provided if needed. 

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