Retired couple with no time or travel limitations

Username perrrrfectsitter  

65 + years
Jan 1,2025
1 - 6 Days, 7 - 21 Days, 3 - 6 Weeks, 6 - 8 Weeks, 2 - 3 Months, 3 + Months

We are  a responsible retired couple, Paul and Julia (aged 67 & 58) . We have been fortunate and grateful to have travelled extensively to more than 60 countries.  We love the countryside and live in the country therefore being isolated or remote is not a problem for us as we love the outdoors and peaceful surroundings.

As avid travellers we do not have any time or travel restraints and are able to house sit for any period of time. 

As we love travelling we hope to use an experience of house sitting to learn new cultures from meeting new people and to discover new places that often a traveller would not visit. It would also give us an opportunity to  develop languages as this is something we are lacking and now have the time to develop this. Always wanting to learn new things we enjoy the challenge of different environments . 

We have just joined this site on 1st April This is our first attempt and  feel positive we will find suitable places of interest to house sit. We are very experienced in the health and care  of animals.We have always had dogs; we have trained dogs and regularly look after other peoples dogs, In the past we have had chickens, Guinea fowl, geese, turkeys. Lots of small animals such as guinea pigs, hamsters, budgies as well as many other species of birds.

As a responsible home owner and property owners (2 properties are leased out) we are experienced in the care and attention required to care for a property to a high standard.

We offer Life experience and responsibility.. The assurance that we would look after any property the same as our own to a very high standard. .  Looking after any garden, animals. exercising & grooming pets would  be a pleasure in a new environment.

If you would like any further information please contact us; 

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