Adventurous family of four available for short and long term stays!

Username RoadschoolingFamily  

37 - 45 years
Jun 11,2024
Artist, Educator, Facilitator
1 - 6 Days, 7 - 21 Days, 3 - 6 Weeks, 6 - 8 Weeks, 2 - 3 Months, 3 + Months

We are experienced housesitters with several years experience in numerous towns and cities, in both urban and rural settings. As a family we roadschooled throughout the Pacific Northwest for a few years (pre-covid), and now we are happy to be back on the road, now in Europe, scouting around for new adventures and interesting opportunities!

I’m an artist, writer and educator and my husband is a management consultant. Together we are also community organizers and facilitators, teaching both online and in the real world, Over the past two years, we have been on a roadschooling adventure with our two children. In each place we visit, we seek out interesting "archipelagos" of socially innovative small businesses, educational initiatives, creative projects, and collaborative ventures to feature in our writing and on our podcast. Of course it's not all work, it's been an awful lot of play too....we like hiking, digging in the sand, visiting museums and libraries, tasting new foods, and learning by doing.

I have several years professional experience in the hospitality industry and also as a nanny and housekeeper, and from working in these areas I am well-acquainted with the techniques for keeping your home clean and beautifully maintained. I’m no stranger to the garden, either, having not only cared for my own veggie and flower gardens and houseplants, but also having worked in garden maintenance and on farms.

Pets and animals of all kinds are no problem, as we have completed several short and long-term farm work-stays and house and petsits over the past couple of years (cats! dogs! rabbits! chickens! ducks! goats! fish! even rats!). We know that the most important thing they need in your absence is consistency in their care, and probably some cuddles and a bit of exercise too (depending on the animal of course!).

(Contact information for our references are available upon request. Note that the majority of our previous housesits were through and so that is why we do not have any reviews here.)

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